A New-generation Cowshed in Vadín

Here in Haze we truly enjoy ambitious projects which bring together latest technologies and quality craftsmanship. This is why we were pleased to participate in the building of the state-of-the-art cowshed in the Vadín fairy farm, a subsidiary of the Agro Posázaví Company.
The new cattle stable is part of a livestock farming site in Vadín, a small village in the cadaster of the community of Okrouhlice in the Havlíčkův Brod region. The building is exceptional as to its size (the milking parlor accommodates up to 600 dairy cows) as well as its operational and technical design. It relies on the latest technologies, including the Haze systems.
As a sub-contractor for the general contractor Agos, we were commissioned to install six of our up-to-date side ventilation systems, type D, each being of different length. Rolling walls are connected to our AG05 weather station which is fitted with wind, rain and temperature sensors. The weather station responds to changing winds, rain and temperature and follows preset values to automatically adjust the ventilation system to maintain the optimum microclimate inside the stable. It is absolutely independent from human factors.
In addition to our ventilation systems, the Vadín farm also uses our steel wing gates with batten lining and roofed electric rolling gates. Our team comprising Petr Hanousek (Managing Director and Owner), Roman Kulička (Sales Manager) and Lubomír Trunda (Product Manager who was in charge of the Vadín project) gladly attended the grand opening of the new cowshed on August 1, 2019 which took place in the presence of, among others, Mr. Zdeněk Jandejsek, President of the Czech Agrarian Chamber.