Our weather station monitors weather conditions and automatically responds by adjusting the ventilation systems in the stables - including side walls and two-leaf ridge vent, if installed. The weather station includes two wind speed sensors (each on different side of the stable), a heated rain sensor capable of also detecting snow and one to three temperature sensors.

The weather station responds to changing winds, rain and temperature and automatically adjusts the ventilation system to maintain a preset optimal microclimate in the stables. The latest generation of the Haze weather station - model AG06 - has been additionally fitted with a well arranged and modern touch display, which enables comfortable and intuitive control.

The connected ventilation system with default software operates by opening and closing the stable walls in thirds. We can manually set how often and how far the system is to adjust the walls based on current weather conditions. If the weather station is connected to low-speed fans, we can input the temperature at which the fans should start running. There is also the option to set the system to winter mode. In this mode, we can set the temperature at which the wall canvas is to close down to one or two thirds. The walls remain partially closed for the full period when temperature is below the limit up to "frost mode" threshold, while also accounting for wind and precipitation. The second level of winter mode is "frost mode", which completely closes off the walls. This mode is used to protect the stable from strong frosts that could endanger the health of the animals as well as cause the feed and drinkers to freeze over. The canvases remain in closed position for as long as temperature is below the frost limit.

1. Controls for ridge vents
Controls for a double-leaf ridge vent with electric drive. The system controls the opening and closing of the vent based on the air flow rate and temperature in the stable. It also reacts to rain and snowfall thanks to interconnection with precipitation sensors.
2. Controls for side ventilation systems
Maintains an ideal microclimate in the stable by controlling the side walls. The system enables different setting of the side wall on the windward and leeward side of the stable and can optimise settings parameters based on the placement of the stable in the landscape.
3. Adequate lighting
Ensuring adequate lighting in the stables. The weather station can be linked to artificial lighting to provide an adequate light level during the whole year.
4. Forced ventilation
Forced ventilation to prevent cattle from suffering heat stress. The system's temperature sensors evaluate the current temperature in the stable and activate forced ventilation (fans) if needed. The activation system is independent of the human factor.
5. Elimination of overheating of stall beds
Elimination of overheating of stall beds along the perimeter wall. The system can adjust the unfolding of the type D rolling walls in summer months to prevent stall beds located along the perimeter walls of the stable from overheating.
6. Summer and winter operation
Basic pre-setting for summer and winter operation. Our weather station has pre-set basic modes for controlling the microclimate in the stables during summer and winter months. These parameters can be optimised based on the particularities of the given farm, location, etc.